See information below regarding Poster Presentation Timing, Graduate Student Poster Review Competition, and Selection Criteria For Oral Presentation.

Poster Presentation Timing

Poster Session 1: Monday, November 18, 5:00-7:00 pm

  • A mix of Trainee, Non-Trainee, RTC/CEC Posters
  • Set up posters no later than 3:15 pm in Columbia A
  • Posters must be removed by 8:00 pm

Poster Session 2: Tuesday, November 19, 4:00-6:00 pm

  • A mix of Trainee and Non-Trainee, RTC/CEC Posters
  • Set up posters no later than 9:00 am in Columbia A
  • Posters must be removed by 7:30 pm
Poster Presentations Click here to view a draft of poster numbers, display tables, and locations. Please check back for updates.
Poster Dimensions Poster dimensions can be no greater than 45” high x 72” wide.

Graduate Student Poster Competition

Poster Judges will evaluate posters based on the following review criteria:


  • Written Presentation of poster: Abstract
    • Does the submitted abstract provide sufficient context and use appropriate language to make their project understandable and interesting to an educated audience outside of their field of study?
    • Does the submitted abstract communicate relevance to SRP goals/mandates; relevance to stakeholders such as EPA, ATSDR, Communities, or other end-users?
    • Is there excessive use of jargon or complex vocabulary without adequate explanation?
  • Oral Presentation of poster: Plain Language
    • Was the student able to communicate their message clearly and succinctly — in less than 5 minutes?
    • Did they provide sufficient context and use appropriate language to make their project understandable and interesting to an educated audience outside of their field of study?
  • Oral Presentation of poster: Relevance of Research
    • Did the student demonstrate and clearly communicate an understanding of the study’s relevance to SRP goals and stakeholders such as the EPA Superfund program and ATSDR?
    • Did the student convince you the project was important?
  • Oral Presentation of poster: Knowledge
    • Did the student demonstrate in-depth knowledge of their topic in discussion and the ability to answer questions?
    • Did the student demonstrate the ability to think beyond the work presented?
  • Poster Appearance: Effective Communication of Conclusions
    • Is poster logically organized and visually appealing?
    • Do the graphics (tables, charts, photos, etc.) support the hypothesis/data and add clarity to the overall presentation?
  • We plan to accept as many of the poster abstracts for presentation as space allows with priority placed on abstracts from Masters and PhD-level graduate trainees that are not accepted for Oral Presentations (these will automatically be considered for the trainee poster competition).

Selection Criteria For Oral Presentation

The Scientific Planning Committee will choose from among submitted abstracts to fill a limited number of oral presentation slots for the SRP Annual Meeting. The criteria for selection include the following:

  1. Technical quality
  2. Relevance to (a) the goals and mandates of the Superfund Research Program and (b) SRP stakeholders such as EPA/ATSDR/states and communities
  3. Ability to be grouped with invited speakers and other submitted abstracts to form coherent, multidisciplinary sessions
  4. Level of collaboration across disciplines