• Registration Open

    Columbia Foyer
  • SRP in 3-D Featuring Products from Research Translation/Community Engagement Cores

    Display Tables

    Columbia Foyer
  • SRP Data Science Supplement External Use Case “Show and Tell”

    Columbia Pre-function
  • Welcome

    Moderator: Evan Gallagher, Ph.D., Director, University of Washington SRP

    Tribal Blessing: Ken Workman, Duwamish Tribe

    Speaker: Hilary Godwin, Ph.D., Dean, University of Washington School of Public Health

    Speaker: Dr. Rick Woychik, Ph.D., NIEHS Acting Director (via video)

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Session 1: Highlighting KC Donnelly Awardees

    Moderator(s): Edward Levin (Duke University Superfund Center) and Shawn R. Campagna (University of Tennessee Knoxville)


    Stephanie Eick, (Post-Doc), Northeastern University Superfund Center “Socioeconomic status and the association between arsenic exposure and type 2 diabetes” (KC Donnelly Externship with Dr. Craig Steinmaus at the University of California, Berkeley Superfund Center)

    Anne Nigra (PhD Student), Columbia University Superfund Center
    “Mercury exposure assessment in a Northern Great Plains tribal region” (KC Donnelly Externship with Carlyle Ducheneaux at the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Department of the Environment and Natural Resources Eagle Butte, South Dakota)

    Priyanka Kushwaha, (Post-Doc), University of Arizona Superfund Center
    “Influence of compost amendment on the relationship between plant gene expression and microbial community diversity in remediation of acidic metalliferous mine tailings” (KC Donnelly Externship with Dr. Julian Schroeder at the University of California, San Diego Superfund Center)

    Rishabh Shah, (PhD Student), University of Kentucky Superfund Center
    “Development of innovative polymers for next generation passive samplers” (KC Donnelly Externship with Dr. Upal Ghosh at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County SRP R01)

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Poster Session 1

    (light appetizers served)

    Columbia A
  • Dinner on Your Own

  • Breakfast

    Columbia Foyer
  • Main Meeting Registration

    Columbia Foyer
  • Data Science Supplement Awardee Breakfast

    Brief introduction to Stephanie Holmgren, Office of Data Science, NIEHS

    Chelais Room 305
  • SRP in 3-D: Devices, Demos & Displays

    Display Tables

    1. Boehme, Lindsay - PowerTech Water, LLC: Targeted Lead (Pb) Removal for Drinking Water Purification Using INCION
    2. Boxley, Chett - GlycoSurf: Novel Rhamnolipid Surfactants for Recovery of Critical Elements and Remediation of Metal Contaminated Waste Streams
    3. Campagna, Shawn - Microbial Insights, Inc.: Expanding the Tool Box: Environmental Metabolomics Improves Decision Making and Management of Contaminated (Superfund) Sites
    4. Cassou, Frank - CycloPure: Remediation of Perfluorinated Chemicals in Water Using Novel High-Affinity Polymer Adsorbents
    5. Chen, Long - Northeastern University: PROTECT’s Tools for Water Testing, Treatment, and Report Back
    6. Landes, Franziska - Columbia University: A New Field Kit to Screen Soil for Hazardous Lead
    7. Schaider, Laurel - Silent Spring Institute: Digital Exposure Report-Back Interface (DERBI): An Interactive Web-Based Tool for Personalized Exposure and Biomonitoring Results
    8. Spak, Scott - University of Iowa: Research translation through interactive web-based data sharing and visualization
    9. Unger, Michael - Virginia Institute of Marine Science: A monoclonal antibody-based biosensor for rapid assessment of PAH distribution, fate and toxicity at contaminated sites
    10. Vandiver, Kathleen - MIT: Learn Essential Exposure Biology with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Teaching Models
    Columbia Foyer
  • SRP Data Science Supplement External Use Case “Show and Tell”

    Columbia Pre-function
  • Opening Session for Day Two

    Speaker: Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Ph.D., Director, University of Louisville Superfund Center

    Speaker: William Suk, Ph.D., M.P.H., Director, NIEHS, Superfund Research Program and Hazardous Substances Research Branch

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Keynote Address

    Moderator(s): Zhengui Xia, Ph.D., University of Washington Superfund Center

    Speaker: Julia Cui, Ph.D., Professor, University of Washington

    Title: Gut Microbiome and Environmental Chemical Exposures

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Session 2: Human Health Research: Advanced techniques for the detection, assessment, and evaluation of the effect on human health of hazardous substances

    Moderator(s): Roxanne Karimi (Stony Brook University) and Matt Cave (University of Louisville)


    Margaret Grace Mills, (Post-Doc), University of Washington Superfund Center
    “CRISPR-generated nrf2a loss- and gain-of-function mutants facilitate mechanistic analysis of chemical oxidative stress-mediated toxicity in zebrafish”

    Amanda Armijo, (Post-Doc), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Superfund Center
    “The Superfund chemical, N-nitrosodimethylamine, induces an early onset pattern of mutations in mouse liver”

    Jacopo Baglieri, (Post-Doc), University of California-San Diego Superfund Center
    “Degradation of Collagen Type I Is Needed for Ccl4-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development In Mice”

    Tess Leuthner, (PhD Student), Duke University Superfund Center
    “Next-generation sequencing approaches to investigate the effect of Superfund chemicals on mitochondrial DNA mutagenesis across multiple model organisms”

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Break

  • Session 3: Susceptibility and Risk Factors: Methods to assess the risks to human health presented by hazardous substances

    Moderator(s): Elizabeth Martin (NIEHS) and Robert Tukey (University of California San Diego)


    Arce Domingo, (Masters Student), Columbia University Superfund Center
    “Arsenic Exposure, DNA methylation, and Cancer Mortality in the Strong Heart Study”

    Brett Doherty, (PhD Student), Dartmouth College Superfund Center
    “Periconceptional and prenatal exposure to metal mixtures in relation to behavioral development at three years of age in the New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study

    Nadja Brun, (Post-Doc), Boston University Superfund Center
    “Non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls affect the sensory system leading to a delayed escape response in zebrafish larvae”

    Jessica Alesio, (PhD Student), University of Rhode Island Superfund Center “PFAS-Protein Binding by Fluorescence Spectroscopy: A Critical Analysis”

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Lunch

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Session 4: Exposure Science and Detection Technologies: Methods and technologies to detect hazardous substances in the environment

    Moderator(s): Karrie Radloff (Gradient Corp) and Michael Unger (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)


    Krisa Camargo, (PhD Student), Texas A & M University Superfund Center
    “Biosensor Technology Applications in Galveston Bay and Houston Ship Channel: Rapid Analyses for Soils and Sediments”

    Elham Shirazi, (Post-Doc), University of Kentucky Superfund Center
    “Modeling Tools to Predict Temporally Variable Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Indoor Air Concentrations: Consideration of Wind, Temperature, and Building Characteristics”

    Prasadanie Adhihetty, (PhD Student), University of Louisville Superfund Center
    “Development of a Gold Nanoparticles Chemiresistor Microarray for Benzene Sensing”

    Christine Ghetu, (PhD Student), Oregon State University Superfund Center
    “Assessing wildfire influence on indoor and outdoor chemical concentrations and diffusive flux between soils and air of PAHs in the Western United States”

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Wetterhahn Award Presentation

    Award Announcment & Introduction: Gwen Collman, Ph.D., Director, NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and Training

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Break

  • Session 5: Prevention, Intervention, Remediation: Basic biological, chemical, and physical methods to reduce the amount and toxicity of hazardous substances

    Moderator(s): James Rice (Gradient Corp) and Angela Gutierrez Echeverri (University of Kentucky)


    Savannah Volkoff, (PhD Student), Duke University Superfund Center
    “Developing a Bioamendment for the Field Delivery of a PAH-Degrading Biofilm to Sediments”

    Christian Bako, (PhD Student), University of Iowa Superfund Center
    “Bioremediation of PCBs in Sediment from a Contaminated Wastewater Lagoon

    Maria Isabel Meza, (PhD Student), University of New Mexico Superfund Center
    “Determination of solubility product of uranyl arsenates”

    Shujun He, (PhD Student), Texas A & M University Superfund Center
    “Molecular Simulations Investigating the Sorption of Toxic Compounds by a Montmorillonite Clay”

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Poster Session 2

    (light appetizers served)

    Columbia A
  • Directors/PI Meeting

    (Current P42, R01 and R25 Directors)

    Beckler Room 302
  • Dinner on your own or as part of the following groups:
    RTC-CEC Dinner, Trainees’ Dinners, Administrators’ Dinner

  • Directors’ Dinner

    (P42 Center Directors, R01 and R25 Principal Investigators; By Invitation Only)

    BlueAcre Seafood
  • Breakfast

    Columbia Foyer
  • Opening Session for Day Three

    Speaker: Evan Gallagher, Ph.D., Director, University of Washington SRP

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Keynote Address

    Speaker: Andrew Whitehead, Ph.D., University of California-Davis

    Title: “Evolution in the Anthropocene: The genomic basis of adaptation to pollution”

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Session 6: Emerging research on hazardous substances

    Moderator(s): Judit Marsillach (University of Washington) and Dibakar Bhattacharyya (University of Kentucky Superfund Center)


    Maggie Williams, (Post-Doc), Michigan State University Superfund Center
    “Gut Microbial Populations Alter the MicroRNA-based Host Response Following Toxicant Exposure”

    Shannon Martin, (PhD Student), Brown University Superfund Center
    “Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) Exacerbates Microglial Responses to Brain Injury in Exposed Zebrafish Embryos”

    Sara Gushgari-Doyle, (PhD Student), University of California-Berkeley Superfund Center
    “Interaction networks within syntrophic TCE-dechlorinating co-culture under arsenic stress”

    Chase Williams, (Post-Doc), University of Washington Superfund Center
    “Elevated CO2 impairs olfactory-mediated neural and behavioral responses in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)”

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Awards and Closing Comments

    Speaker: William Suk, Ph.D., M.P.H., Director, NIEHS, Superfund Research Program and Hazardous Substances Research Branch

    Announcement of 2020 SRP Meeting

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Optional: Duwamish River Superfund Site Boat Tour

    *Registration required via website

    Meet in Lobby
  • Registration

    Columbia Foyer
  • Trainee Breakfast

    Columbia Foyer
  • Welcome/Introduction: David Hein, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Louisville School of Medicine

    Keynote Speaker “Novel approach to assess personal chemical exposure and starting a company”, Kim Anderson, Ph.D., Department Head and Professor, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department, Oregon State University

    Beckler Room 302
  • Session 1: Careers in One Environmental Health Panel

    Moderator: Jamie Young, University of Louisville Superfund Center Trainee


    • John Wise Sr., Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Louisville
    • Marguerite Pappaioanou, DVM, MPVM, PhD, DACVPM, Associate Director, UW Center for One Health Research
    • James Rice, Ph.D., Senior Environmental Scientist, Gradient Corp
    • Peter Rabinowitz, MD, MPH, Director, UW Center for One Health Research
    Beckler Room 302
  • Break

  • Session 2: Population Health Disparities/Environmental Justice - Duwamish River as Model

    Moderator: Jackie Garrick, University of Washington Superfund Center Trainee


    • Millie Piazza, Ph.D., Environmental Justice Coordinator, Washington State Department of Ecology
    • Linn Gould, Executive Director, Just Health Action
    • James Rasmussen, Superfund Manager, Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/TAG
    Beckler Room 302
  • KC Donnelly Information (Brittany Trottier, NIEHS)

    Beckler Room 302
  • Lunch + Chat with an Expert

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Session 3: Effective Communication, Professional Development & Leadership

    Moderator: Marina Malovichko, University of Louisville Superfund Center Trainee

    • Topic 1: Chalk Talks for Job Applications: Erik Lee Snapp, Director of Graduate and Postdoctoral Programs, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    • Topic 2: Communicating Your Data: H. Adam Steinberg, artforscience.com, University of Wisconsin
    Beckler Room 302
  • Wrap up & Transition to the Main Program

    Beckler Room 302
  • Reconvene to Main Program

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Registration

    Columbia Foyer
  • RTC/CEC Breakfast

    Columbia Foyer
  • RTC/CEC Display Tables

    Columbia Foyer
  • Welcome & Introductions

    Asnola Room 301
  • Session 1: Translational Research Story Workshop

    Moderator: Michelle Heacock (NIEHS)


    • Christie Drew, NIEHS, Branch Chief, Program Analysis Branch,
      NIEHS: Translational Framework Mapping in “Real-Time”

    Working Groups (Selected RTC Framework Projects)

    Working Group Reports

    Asnola Room 301
  • Break

  • Session 2: EPA Community Involvement Plans

    Moderator: Lisa Hayward Watts (UW) & Lauren Heberle (UofL)


    • Larry Zaragoza, EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation: “Superfund Community Involvement: A National Perspective”
    • Julie Congdon, EPA Community Involvement Manager for the Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site, EPA Region 10: A Road Map for Engagement: the Duwamish Superfund Site Community Involvement Plan”
    • Paulina Lopez, Executive Director, Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/TAG, EPA’s Community Advisory Group for the Duwamish River Superfund Site: “Creativity and Intention - Community engagement from beginning to end in complicated processes”
    • Thomas Burbacher and BJ Cummings, University of Washington: “Safe Fishing Collaboration”

    Discussion: Opportunities/Challenges integrating SRP Core projects with CIPs

    Asnola Room 301
  • Lunch & Networking

    Asnola Room 301
  • Session 3: Integrating Citizen Scientists into Community-Engagement Cores

    Moderator: Tom Burbacher (UW)


    • Galen Newman, Texas A & M University and Jen Horney, University of Delaware: “Integrating Neighborhood-Scaled Contaminant Sampling with Urban Growth Planning”
    • Ted Smith, University of Louisville: “Community-generated and governed data: why Louisville created a community data portal for citizen-generated data”
    • Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta, University of Arizona: “Designing citizen science for systems-level change that reduces communities’ environmental health risk”

    Discussion: Opportunities/Challenges with Citizen Scientists projects

    Asnola Room 301
  • Wrap up & Transition to the Main Program

    Asnola Room 301
  • Reconvene to Main Program

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Registration

    Columbia Foyer
  • Administrator Session 1

    • Introductions and Welcome
    • Sign-up for one-on-one sessions with GMS
    Chelais Room 305
  • Join Poster Session 1

    Columbia A
  • Dinner on your own or as a group

  • Breakfast

    Columbia Foyer
  • 15 min one-on-one sessions with NIEHS Grants Management Staff (GMS) sign up

    Beckler Room 302
  • Lisa Archer Edwards
    NIEHS Grants Management Officer

    • Remaining questions about the RPPR
    • NIEHS Policy Updates
    • Carryover
    Beckler Room 302
  • Break
  • NIEHS SRP staff and NIEHS Scientific Review Staff:

    Janice B. Allen, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer
    Laura A. Thomas, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer
    Deborah A. Jones, Extramural Support Assistant
    (may also include Michelle Heacock, Danielle Carlin or Heather Henry)

      • Grant Scientific Review Process
      • Tools for a Successful Competitive Submission
      • ASSIST System
    Beckler Room 302
  • Lunch

  • NIEHS Program Staff/MDB Inc.

    • Human Subject System (HSS) presented by David Purdy and Shawn Tucker
    • MDB Inc.: Data Collection Tool
    Beckler Room 302
  • Break to join Wetterhahn Award Presentation

    Columbia Ballroom
  • NIEHS CareerTrac System Presentation

    Brittany Trottier, NIEHS Health Specialist

    • Overview and Sample Analysis
    Beckler Room 302
  • Reconvene to Main Program

    Columbia Ballroom
  • Breakfast

    Columbia Foyer
  • 15 min one-on-one sessions with NIEHS GMS staff (sign up)

    Beckler Room 302
  • Peer-to Peer - What is your time line for completing the RPPR?

    • PMCID, Open Access Policy (Shawn Tucker)
    Beckler Room 302
  • Admin Open Topic

    • Mentor-mentee Program launch
    • 2020 Planning Session and Selection of Chair and Co-Chairs
    Beckler Room 302
  • Reconvene to Main Program

    Columbia Ballroom